Letters From The Heart: A Creative Writing Workshop with Chris Ferreiras on Saturday, March 25, 1-3 PM EST

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Letters From The Heart: A Creative Writing Workshop with Chris Ferreiras on Saturday, March 25, 1-3 PM EST

Letters From The Heart is a creative writing workshop that delves into Persona Poetry to better listen to our heart, and also listen from the heart as well.

The concepts of "listening to our hearts" and "doing from the heart" are very common ideas in our culture, but what exactly does this mean?

In this workshop we will read Persona Poems, discuss what a persona is in poetry, and how we can apply the power of persona to not only explore this question, but to also help us deepen the connection we have to ourselves.

Elements of The Workshop

- We will read a variety of Persona Poems, discuss their form, and function.

- Discuss concepts and theories of Persona in Poetry, Psychology, and its every day manifestations.

- Learn ways to use Persona to close the gap between what we feel, and how we express those feelings in words.

- Learning from the Persona Poem, we will use this concept to write ourselves letters from the perspective of specific feelings, emotions, parts of our body, or any dimension or depth of our choosing.